
  • Akhmad Zulkifli

Kata Kunci:

Withholding of Employee Diplomas, Employers, Employment Agreements, Penahanan Ijazah Pekerja, Pemberi Kerja, Perjanjian Kerja


Currently, there are still many laborers/workers who lack knowledge about their rights and the importance of employment agreements in an employment relationship, including the withholding of diplomas as a condition and guarantee of employment and when the employment relationship ends in a company. There is no regulation that specifically regulates this matter, so the occurrence of disputes is very large even though the withholding of certificates as a condition and guarantee of employment is regulated in the employment agreement agreed upon by the employer and the workers themselves. In addition, there is no security for workers if the company defaults in returning the certificate so that workers will be more disadvantaged. To analyze the legal issues mentioned above, normative legal research is used, namely research on library materials or relevant secondary data. This research uses a statutory approach and this research is descriptive analytical. The legal materials used consist of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The legal materials were collected through literature study and then analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study show that the act of withholding a worker's diploma by the employer contained in a work agreement or contract in terms of formal sources of labor law, both legislation and custom, is not prohibited, although in reality in the field this practice is often detrimental to the worker and the author even considers that there is a legal vacuum against this practice and legal protection for workers whose diplomas are withheld by the employer in the event of a dispute between the worker and the employer there is a mechanism provided by the State to resolve disputes between the employer and the worker either through bipartite, mediation or litigation.



Saat ini masih banyak buruh/pekerja yang minim akan pengetahuan tentang hak-hak yang mereka miliki dan pentingnya perjanjian kerja dalam suatu hubungan kerja, termasuk dalam hal penahanan ijazah sebagai syarat dan jaminan kerja serta saat berakhirnya hubungan kerja di suatu perusahaan. Tidak ada peraturan yang secara khusus mengatur tentang hal tersebut, sehingga terjadinya sengketa sangatlah besar meskipun penahanan ijazah sebagai syarat dan jaminan kerja diatur dalam perjanjian kerja yang disepakati oleh pihak pengusaha dan buruh/pekerja sendiri. Di samping itu, tidak ada pengamanan terhadap buruh apabila perusahaan wanprestasi dalam pengembalian ijazah sehingga buruh akan lebih banyak dirugikan. Untuk menganalisis permasalahan hukum tersebut di atas, maka dipergunakan jenis penelitian hukum normatif, yaitu penelitian terhadap bahan pustaka atau data sekunder yang relevan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis. Bahan hukum yang digunakan terdiri dari bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan bahan hukum tersier. Bahan-bahan hukum tersebut dikumpulkan melalui studi pustaka selanjutnya dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tindakan penahan ijazah pekerja oleh pemberi kerja yang termuat dalam perjanjian ataupun kontrak kerja dari sisi sumber hukum formil ketenagakerjaan baik itu peraturan perundang-undangan maupun kebiasaan tidak dilarang walaupun pada realitanya di lapangan praktek tersebut seringkali merugikan pihak pekerja bahkan penulis menilai terjadi kekosongan hukum terhadap praktek tersebut serta perlindungan hukum bagi pekerja yang ijazahnya ditahan oleh pihak pemberi kerja dalam hal terjadi perselisihan antara pekerja dan pemberi kerja terdapat mekanisme yang di sediakan oleh Negara untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan antara pihak pemberi kerja dan pekerja baik melalui bipartit, mediasi maupun litigasi.





